Editorial EJABM Vol. 5(1), 2019
The European Journal of Applied Business and Management (EJABM) publishes its twelfth regular issue, assembling national and international researchers, covering a multitude of important topics in the business and management environment.
This issue includes seven articles, evaluated by a double-blind peer-review system, which guarantees the scientific solidity and quality that EJABM readers want to find. Moreover, the array of authors and nationalities (this issue includes articles from Portuguese authors, Nigerian authors and Spanish authors) guarantee miscellaneous points-of-view, backgrounds and experience, that bundles together into a high-standard, high-quality issue.
The articles included in this issue of the EJABM cover topics in accounting, corporate finance, innovation, branding and banking, thus promoting an enlightening debate on crucial topics in Business and Management.
Regarding accounting and corporate finance, this issue includes the article “Criação de Valor, Risco de Crédito e Pricing – Aspetos Fundamentais”, which analyzes how credit risk impacts value creation, through cost of debt. This paper emphasizes the importance of credit score monitoring by firms. Still regarding corporate finance and accounting, other article is included in this issue, “Eficácia dos Modelos de Previsão de Falência Empresarial nas Portuguesas e Espanholas – O Caso do Setor do Turismo”, which seeks to identify and evaluate existing models to forecast firm bankruptcy, providing useful information to decision makers on bankruptcy processes.
This EJABM issue covers also firm strategies, providing information on market placement by firms. This issue includes the article “O valor da marca e a perspetiva do cliente: um estudo aplicado ao setor da tecnologia de informação e documentação”, which seeks to identify the main determinants of brand value, from the perspective of the client. This paper raises the debate on how firms should focus on brand management to reinforce their position in the market. This subject is related with the scope of the article “Corporate Brand and Stock Returns”, which aims to assess the impact of brand value on stock returns, giving a perspective of how firms can benefit from brand management to improve their performance.
Firm strategies are directly related with their performances. The debate on the importance of firm innovation has gained attention over the last years. In this issue, the article “El Efecto de la Innovación en el Empleo: Análisis de las Empresas Cotizadas Españolas” assesses how I&D relates with employment growth within firms, through the analysis of Spanish listed firms.
Banking is also included in this issue of the EJABM. The debate on banking activities and banking importance to macroeconomic environment are addressed on this issue. The article “Fatores Associados à Escolha de Serviços Bancários: Uma Aplicação aos Bancos de Benguela, em Angola”, aims to analyze the factors associated with bank choosing process by the client, through an application to Angolan banks. Additionally, the article “Measuring the Impact of Treasury Single Account on the Failure of Financial Institutions” examines the impact of bank liquidity on the failure of financial institutions, debating the importance of a strong financial system for economic prosperity.
This EJABM issue will appeal to all researchers in the fields of corporate finance, management, business economics and banking. Moreover, it will appeal as well to firm managers, bankers and business professionals who seek to follow-up the recent advances in business and management research. Altogether, readers can expect a multitude of business and management applied research, resulting in a 132-page long issue.
The next issue of EJABM will be published in June 2019.
Thank you for the interest on EJABM.
Ana Pinto Borges, PhD.
Editor, European Journal of Applied Business and Management
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European Journal of Applied Business and Management
ISSN: 2183-5594
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58869/EJABM