Performance appraisal feedback, employee’s work performance and the moderating role work motivation
Purpose: Delivering public value requires effective and efficient use of public resources by employees who possess the required skills, knowledge and competencies needed to achieve such objectives. Subsequently, many countries have embraced performance measurement models in public sectors. Hence, the aim of this study is to investigate the effect of performance appraisal feedback on public sector employees’ work performance among Lagos Skills Acquisition centre staff as well as examine the moderating role of work motivation.
Design/methodology/approach: To achieve this, the study administered questionnaire on 231 participants through simple random sampling but only 205 filled and returned their copies of the questionnaire. The data collected was then analysed using descriptive, correlation, regression and process regression techniques.
Findings: The analyses revealed that performance appraisal feedback significantly affect employees’ work performance as well as their work motivation. However, the relationship between performance appraisal feedback and employees’ work performance was not moderated by work motivation.
Practical implications: The study therefore suggest the need to always attach immediate reward to outcome of performance appraisal to provide motivation for public sector employees.
Originality/value: The research contributes to knowledge by specifically investigating effect of performance appraisal feedback on employee’s work performance among Lagos skills acquisition centres staff and the moderating role work motivation. This is the first empirical study to combine the three variables of performance appraisal feedback, employee’s work performance and work motivation as a moderator among public sector employees.
Keywords: Performance appraisal feedback, work performance, work motivation, and public sector
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