The Catalyst of Progress: Leadership, Culture, and Innovation
Purpose: This study investigates the relationship between leadership and innovation culture and identifies the essential components needed to develop a potential innovation culture management tool.
Methodology: A quantitative exploratory and descriptive research was conducted from March to April 2021 during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Results: The results emphasize the significance of developing an entrepreneurial attitude, nurturing creativity, engaging in ongoing education, communicating effectively, working collaboratively, prioritizing security, and attaining company success. Leadership is crucial in molding and impacting an organisation's culture, strategy, and behavior.
Research limitations: This study has certain limitations, particularly concerning the sample size and the convenience factor. Additional research is essential to confirm the validity of the suggested framework within an actual organizational setting. Moreover, there is a need to develop a tool for evaluating and tracking an innovative culture. It is important to acknowledge that this process is intricate, time-consuming, and may face considerable opposition without producing immediate, noticeable outcomes.
Practical implications: Broadening the focus of this study can provide businesses with important insights into the main factors that encourage a culture of innovation. By applying strong leadership methods, companies can foster an atmosphere that supports innovative thinking. Furthermore, implementing a tool to assess the innovation culture can reveal areas that need enhancement and allow for ongoing monitoring of advancements.
Originality: This model seeks to demonstrate that strong leadership not only motivates and involves people but also acts as a driving force for creativity and innovation.
Keywords: Innovation; Leadership; Culture; Strategy; Behaviour; Entrepreneurship.
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