The Role of Digital Influencers in the Lifestyle Sector: The Impact on Purchase Intent of Instagram Users

Carolina Rocha, António Palma Rosinha


Purpose: The digital landscape has been expanding exponentially, prompting some to assert that we are in a post-digital era. Social media platforms, particularly Instagram, illustrate how daily life has adapted to the digital realm. This study aims to understand how digital influencers motivate purchases and which characteristics are most impactful. The analysis focuses on trust, security, information quality, entertainment, experience, and credibility—variables influencing purchase intention. The main question is: "What strategies do digital influencers employ to encourage purchases among Instagram users in the lifestyle sector?

Methodology: This study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, combining qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The initial qualitative phase involved interviewing digital influencers about the methods they use to sway their followers' purchasing decisions. This was followed by a quantitative phase, where a convenience sample was surveyed using a structured questionnaire. The collected data were analyzed with SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social Sciences). In the questionnaire, 224 anonymous responses were collected, with the consent of all those who responded.

Results: The findings indicate that the primary variables impacting Instagram users are the credibility projected by digital influencers and the entertainment value they offer. Adaptations of the interview and questionnaire responses show that both credibility and entertainment significantly enhance users' purchasing intentions.

Research Limitations: Further studies are needed due to the evolving nature of digital influence and its impact on consumer behavior, particularly concerning the dynamic characteristics of social media and influencer marketing strategies.

Practical Implications: This study provides insights for marketers aiming to leverage digital influencers effectively, offering a framework for understanding the effects of influencer credibility and engagement on consumer purchasing behavior.

Originality: The findings contribute to understanding how digital influencers operate in the lifestyle sector, emphasizing the strategies they use to drive consumer engagement and purchases in an increasingly digital world.

Keywords: Digital Influencers, Instagram, Purchase, Digital.


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