Personnel consequences of robotization and pressure on efficiency (Challenges of Minimization of process variability)

Dušan Kučera, Ivo Formánek


Purpose: The purpose of the study is the critical reflection of managerial pressure on the minimization of process variability by management methods based on measurability and performance of companies with the help of technological functions.

Methodology:  The study analytically describes management efforts to minimize the process variability and capitalize on technological innovations to increase flexibility and efficiency of work processes. Then the study analyses the logistical and personal consequences of process minimization in the context of general managerial principles. The Research questions are: 1. What are the implications of the current efforts of management to minimize its processes? 2. What are the personnel implications of minimizing processes?

Results: Identification of technological optimism applied to production management and logistics, and limits and weaknesses of minimization of process variability by mechanical and technological management approaches in order to increase efficiency, regardless of the potential of staff. The consequences and specific challenges of study are particularly important for strategy and management.

Research limitations:  As it is a conceptual study, it is natural that it works with a certain perspective of the authors, who are motivated by practical experience in companies and the need to talk about the mentioned phenomena in management education. This means that the study only touches on some areas and leaves others out. The study also does not claim to be a comprehensive exhaustion of all related topics, it is a stimulus in what it condescendingly names. The biggest proctor for further work lies in the rapidly evolving digitalization and application of AI in organizations and companies. Further potential lies in deeper analysis of human thought processes and decision making in critical situations. This field (e.g., neuroscience) is also developing its research rapidly.

Practical implications: Conceptual study deals with a critical discussion over the current trends of management, which believes in improving the performance of companies through minimization of process variability. However, mechanistic approaches or technological innovations have a significant limit, that manifest themselves in negative impact on workers exposed to increased digital control.

Originality: The reduction of motivation, creativity, autonomy, active participation in corporate processes, disruption of corporate culture etc., are only some of them. The resulting consequences reveal the reason for team member burnout, as well as the decrease of creativity, inspiration, and long-term stability of the staff.

Keywords: Process variability, Robotization, Effectivity, Human factor, Management.


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