Enhancing the Competitiveness of Manufacturing SMEs: a Framework and Future Research Directions

Ganesan Muruganantham, S. Sridar, S. Supriya Priyadarsini, Aswanth R. S.


Purpose: To develop a conceptual framework for enhancing product competitiveness by achieving product capability innovation through internal and external factors for Indian Manufacturing SMEs by reviewing the relevant literature. The study also conducted a bibliometric analysis to identify the research themes and emerging trends in SME research.

Methodology: A bibliometric analysis of 151 Scopus-indexed articles published between 1997 and 2024 and a Systematic Literature Review (SLR) of 118 papers extending from 1978 to 2024 are employed in the research. Key factors influencing the competitiveness of SMEs are identified by examining keyword trends, author contributions, and co-citation patterns in the study.

Results: This research provides a distinctive framework that underscores the importance of product innovation capabilities, manufacturing capabilities, and quality practices in enhancing the competitiveness of SMEs. The bibliometric analysis identifies prominent authors contributing to SME research and reveals significant research themes.

Research limitations: The study's drawbacks include dependence on limited databases, lack of empirical evidence, and the potential exclusion of aspects such as digital transformation and international collaboration.

Practical implications: This framework offers SMEs owners and managers practical insights to design competitiveness and innovation strategies. The research also recommends policies to foster SMEs growth.

Originality: This research is original in its dual-method approach, combining qualitative and bibliometric analysis to provide a comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing the product competitiveness of Indian manufacturing SMEs. It fills a significant research gap and offers valuable insights for industry and academia.

Keywords: SMEs; Product Innovation; Product Competitiveness; Manufacturing; Quality Practices; India.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58869/EJABM10(2)/05

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European Journal of Applied Business and Management

ISSN: 2183-5594

DOI: https://doi.org/10.58869/EJABM
