Resistance to Change in the Public Sector: A Modern Concept?
Purpose: The public sector is undergoing profound changes aimed at making it more efficient and closer to its citizens. However, the changes are not always well received by those involved in the processes. This can lead to a phenomenon known as resistance to change. It is in this the most common reasons that lead to the emergence of this phenomenon. Thus, the study of the reasons that lead to the emergence of this phenomenon gains relevance.
Methodology: Through documentary analysis, we sought to understand the main causes behind this phenomenon of resistance to change, particularly in the public sector. In this way, organizations can be better organizations can be better prepared for this event. The process begins with a search of the Scopus database, using previously defined criteria, which will yield a substantial set of results. They will then be analyzed according to different criteria in order to better understand the current study of the subject, as well as the causes that may be associated with this topic. With the criteria selected, it was possible to analyze the entire history of articles, so no time period will be left out of this analysis.
Results: It is understood that there are internal and external reasons, as well as individual and organizational reasons, which will affect the organization at different levels of intensity. It is also understood that the study of the subject has been focused particularly on articles, and that recent years have seen a greater number of studies, thus making it clear that this is a subject that is considered to be current.
Research limitations: The breadth of the words chosen throughout the study, as well as the specificity of some terms that may be used in other studies, may mean that some of these same studies were not reached during this research. Terminologies used specifically in certain countries, in particular the use of a language other than English, led to their exclusion from this research.
Practical implications: With this study, it becomes clearer how resistance to change can manifest itself, thus helping organizations to better adapt to the phenomenon in order to make it less impactful on the life of the organization.
Originality: This study seeks to reach a sector with a unique importance in society, insofar as it is responsible for managing and carrying out the expectations and needs of society as a whole. It is therefore important to study how a phenomenon such as resistance to change can manifest itself, in order to be able to minimize its negative impacts, as well as provide solutions to overcome it.
Keywords: Public Administration; Public Policy; Resistance to change; Public sector; Documentary analysis.
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