Boosting Sustainability: R&D Mobiliser Projects in Portuguese Ornamental Stone Companies
Purpose: The Ornamental Stones (OS) industry, tech firms, and universities created a Three-Tier Consortium (TDC) to develop Research&Development Mobilisation Projects (RDMPs) to enhance flexibility and reduce waste. The OS sector seeks this through lean-thinking and I4.0 technology. This study explores the TDC impact on flexibility, production quality, sustainable resource management, and the RDMP's role in the OS industry.
Methodology: The study employed Mayring's (2014) theoretical approach to evaluate the sustainability/performance of Portuguese OS companies engaged in RDMPs. A systematic literature review assessed the Portuguese OS Small and Midsize Enterprises (SMEs) embracing the Industry 4.0 (I4.0) paradigm and technological innovations. Step 1 involved compiling relevant literature; Step 2 systematically analysed articles and company reports detailing the performance of Portuguese SMEs with operating systems.
Results: TDC serves as a knowledge-sharing platform for innovation, while RDMP aims to enhance energy efficiency, minimise raw material waste, and boost production flexibility. Portuguese OS companies engaged in RDMP exhibit a 21% improvement rate after adopting modern practices and technologies, reducing environmental impact. Conversely, other companies experienced a negative annual rate of -0.23%.
Research limitations: There is a need for more studies due to the novelty of the research topic, particularly regarding the effects of I4.0 and technical innovations from RDMPs on OS companies' performance and sustainability.
Practical implications: A framework was developed to help practitioners lead Research and Development (R&D) initiatives and adopt I4.0 technologies within their organisations.
Originality: This framework will help to understand how innovation in the RDMPs represents a breakthrough in the OS industry.
Keywords: R&D Projects; I4.0 Technologies; Ornamental Stone Sector; Innovation; Sustainability; Framework Development.
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