Relationship management between customers and suppliers: a study in the B2B and B2C context in Portugal

Nuno Ferreira, Bruno Barbosa Sousa



Purpose: The research aimed to identify strategies, tools and functionalities, which influence the management of relationships between customers and suppliers, in the wholesale and retail sector in Portugal. It also aimed to understand the propensity towards purchasing variables and understand their perspective on the new challenges facing them and the sector.

Methodology: Based on the literature developed, this manuscript used semi-structured interviews, carried out with eight heads of companies in the wholesale and retail sector in Portugal.

Results: Companies achieve a competitive advantage through internal sources such as creativity, level of technology, capacity for innovation and learning or the experience of their professionals.

Practical Implications: Companies have different approaches to markets and use different marketing tools, appropriate to their size. As for the main challenge, caused by technological transformation, for companies in the sector, the change in the way of doing business was mentioned.

Limitations: As it is a preliminary approach, the present study presents limitations in the final results, thus requiring in-depth analysis, and the generalization of the results obtained is not guaranteed.

Originality: Given exposure to the external environment, it is essential that companies in the commerce sector use different analysis and control tools to respond to customer preferences in B2B and B2C markets.

Keywords: B2B, B2C, Value Creation, Markets, Marketing, Customers

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