Appraising the nexus between counterproductive work behaviours and organisational efficiency: The way forward
Purpose: The study examines the relationship between organisational efficiency and counterproductive work behaviour. The aim was to uncover research-based methods to mitigate the surge of counterproductive work behaviour in the telecommunications industry.
Design/method/approach: The study had a quantitative approach and the survey design was employed in the study. Data collection was done via the distribution of questionnaire copies to six hundred employees of the telecommunications industry, and five hundred and twelve copies were retrieved and analysed using structural equation modelling.
Findings: The study reveals that organisation efficiency does not lead to counterproductive work behaviour. However, organisation processes (deduction of wages for lateness and material wastage) in a bid to manage certain negative behaviours tend to be counterproductive. Findings also revealed that organisation justice encourages counterproductive work behaviour due to supervisor bias. Finally, the more unfavourable the workplace environment, the more likely counterproductive work behaviour will exist.
Research implication/limitations: The study only focused on one industry (telecommunication), which limits its generalisation. The study also focused on the big three in the telecommunication industry, thereby limiting it to big firms. It therefore may not be a good reference when combating counterproductive work behaviour in small and medium scale firms. This study could be replicated in other industries and/or on small and medium scale firms. A comparative study could be conducted on the telecommunication industry and other service-oriented industries like the tourism and hospitality industry to examine the moderation of industry type on the relationship.
Managerial implication: The result highlights pursuit of efficiency as an enabler of counterproductive work behaviour. Managers must take cognizance of the human element in dealing with employees so that the departmental goals do not end up as the forgone alternative for efficiency. A central unit to oversee cases of insubordination or non-compliance to company statutes should be created to mitigate the bias of line supervisors/manager when meting out justice. The issue of contract staffing must be addressed within the firm to serve as a motivation among employees to desist from counterproductive work behaviour.
Originality: The study presents unique research on counterproductive work behaviours in the telecommunications industry in a developing nation. The study also provides a unique research model in the literature of counterproductive work behaviour.
Keywords: Counterproductive, Behaviours, Employees, Efficiency, Organisation.
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