State of the art of the agricultural platfoms around the world

Martha Elisa Cuasquer, Diego Andres Rojas Bastilla


Purpose: Nowadays it is necessary to use technological platforms for almost all types of event monitoring, especially it is necessary for the case of Colombia the creation of a platform that allows the monitoring of crops in real time so that you can have statistical results of quantities of products that can be available in case of obtaining an international demand for a particular type of food product; this in order to produce direct resources for the farmers who are the direct producers in Colombia, hoping eventually to achieve an industrialization that allows not only the export of food raw material but processed products.

Methodology: For the development of this paper the meta-analysis methodology was used, which is based on the review of three current articles of indexed category that contain a large number of reviews of at least five years ago, in such a way that two of the articles are in favor of the realization of this type of research projects and one is against or does not show much favorability to this event.

Results: The expected results are oriented towards the generation of a worldwide review, as well as the design and approach of a software that allows the interactive consultation of farmers in a friendly way and they can know what types of products are in high demand worldwide.

Originality: This paper is totally original and its consultation is authorized for academic and commercial purposes. It is recommended to previously consult the main author of the university foundation COMPENSAR for copyrights.

Keywords: Agriculture, Antennas, Global, Propagation, 5GSM.


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European Journal of Applied Business and Management

ISSN: 2183-5594

