Empreendedorismo social: Motivações e oportunidade para a criação de emprego
Purpose: The creation of a social entrepreneurship initiative presents a huge potential in terms of creating social value. In addition to contributing to solving a social problem, it also allows for the creation of jobs in society. This research aims to analyze the main motivations that accompany the decision to create a social entrepreneurship initiative, as well as the potential that social entrepreneurship has for job creation, especially self-employment.
Methodology: The research has an exploratory nature, based on a qualitative methodology. Primary data collection was carried out through semi-structured interviews with five social entrepreneurs in Portugal.
Results: The results obtained indicate that the creation of the social initiative was essentially triggered by the recognition of a market failure and need for social intervention. The research indicates that the most relevant motivations for creating the social entrepreneurship initiative are related to pull factors, namely altruism, passion, desire for innovation and exploitation of the identified opportunities. Although it was not an explicit purpose in the creation of the initiative, there is a positive impact in terms of job creation, allowing social entrepreneurs to develop their professional activity in a full-time manner, while contributing to the resolution of the social issue previously identified. Job creation in society, although not being a main purpose, is seen as positive by social entrepreneurs.
Originality: The article has contributed to broadening the knowledge on the motivations for the creation of a social entrepreneurship initiative, an area that, although relevant, still needs further development. The article also explores the potential of social entrepreneurship for job creation.
Keywords: Social Entrepreneurship, Motivations, social entrepreneur, Employment, Self-employment.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58869/EJABM006
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European Journal of Applied Business and Management
ISSN: 2183-5594
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58869/EJABM