Crisis Governance Challenges: COVID-19 Perceptions Model in the Portuguese Healthcare Sector

Ireneu de Oliveira Mendes, Pedro Miguel Alves Ribeiro Correia, Sandra Patrícia Marques Pereira, Inês Subtil


Purpose: The new coronavirus was treated with different and, in some cases, diverged government responses, which led to deviated results from those intended by the governments of the various countries. The present investigation aims to diagnose conditions at the moment "before" the crisis, "during" the fight and the expectations about "after", in Portuguese context and based on the responses of professionals in the healthcare sector.

Methodology: The methodology of this research was based on a quantitative approach, testing the Crisis management: COVID-19 structural model(Correia et al., 2020).

Results: With regard to the results, of the 8 hypotheses under study, 7 were validated, allowing the conclusion that the research model on which this study is based, this time applied to the health sector, can be considered robust. After applying the model in the health sector, it is recommended to apply it in other Public Administration sector, such as the Education sector.

Originality: Fundamental elements for crisis management are addressed, namely, in the context of a pandemic outbreak, and also literature in the field of crisis management in the public sector, with a particular focus on collaborative and multilevel governance.

Keywords: Collaborative Governance; Crisis Management; Strategic Planning; Healthcare Sector.

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