Tourist motivations and trends in the current market: a study on atomic tourism
Objectives: The research aims to understand the importance of special interest tourism and territorial management in promoting a niche tourism destination, such as atomic tourism or nuclear tourism.
Methodology: The study will be developed through document analysis and administration of a questionnaire survey (online) to 120 individuals during November 26 and December 16, 2022.
Results: Place marketing and territorial management play an important role in promoting territorial brands and a tourist destination. The data obtained tend to suggest that tourism is increasingly a multifaceted activity, with distinct individual interests and heterogeneous motivations (e.g. cultural, dark and atomic or nuclear).
Practical implications: The study presents preliminary insights that can be a tool to complement managers and stakeholders who work in the tourism sector (directly or indirectly).
Contribution: The study makes contributions to theory and to practice. However, future studies should deepen the preliminary results. We suggest the development of a conceptual model to be empirically tested (testing causal relationships between variables).
Originality: The innovative nature of the manuscript in terms of promoting greater reflection on niche marketing strategy in tourism contexts.
Keywords: Cultural Tourism, Atomic Tourism, Niche Marketing, Segmentation
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