Marketing de influência: uma relação tridimensional entre influenciadores digitais, marcas e accounts
Research goal: To explore the perception gaps of three key players regarding the design and implementation of influencer marketing strategies: brands, digital influencers and accounts, in the fashion, beauty and lifestyle sectors.
Methods: Qualitative approach using 11 in-depth interviews with triads of participants involved in fashion, lifestyle and beauty influence marketing campaigns.
Originality/Relevance: Study of the three-dimensional relationship between digital influencers, brands and accounts, and the role of each in influencer marketing strategies.
Results: The perception gaps in the views of the different stakeholders are notorious. Brands, IDs and accounts are different actors in influencer marketing. It is precisely due to the role of each actor that the perception gaps are denoted, as their views are essentially centred on their role and not on the influential action as a whole.
Theoretical contributions: The study allowed us to characterize the relationships between brands and digital influencers and to understand the role of accounts in the mediation of the relationship. It is, therefore, the analysis of a three-dimensional relationship, and not just the Digital Influencer – Brand dyad.
In terms of management Contributions, the study provides a set of best practices in the management of a complex relationship between Digital Influencers, Brands and Accounts which has not be found in previous literature, highlighting the importance of understanding the evolutionary trajectory of IDs, and the fundamental role of the briefing in the success of marketing campaigns of influence.
Keywords: Influencer Marketing, Digital Influencers, Relationship, Evolutionary Trajectories, Personal Brands.
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