Marketing of places and territorial management: Preliminary insights in the Quadrilátero Urbano do Minho (Portugal)
Objectives: The study aims to understand the importance of marketing and territorial management in promoting a territorial brand (city marketing and communication strategies). The study context is the Quadrilátero do Minho (Portugal): Braga, Guimarães, Famalicão and Barcelos.
Methodology: The study will be developed through 4 exploratory interviews (semi-structured) to municipal officials and a questionnaire to residents of the cities of the Quadrilátero do Minho.
Results: Place marketing and territorial management play an important role in promoting territorial brands (city marketing) and a tourist destination. Place marketing actions influence the behaviour of residents and stakeholders (e.g. investment by companies in the territory).
Practical implications: The study presents preliminary insights that can be a tool to help municipal managers and professionals working in the 4 cities of the Quadrilátero do Minho (e.g. consistent and integrated territorial marketing strategy).
Contribution: The study presents contributions to theory (i.e. city marketing and territorial management) and to practice (i.e. integrated strategies between cities). However, future studies should deepen the preliminary results. We suggest the development of a conceptual model to be tested empirically (testing causal relationships between variables).
Originality: The innovative character of the manuscript in the sense of promoting a greater reflection on the joint territorial marketing strategy (in the context of the Urban Quadrilátero) and strategic partnerships between the agents of the main cities of the Quadrilátero do Minho.
Keywords: Territorial marketing, residents, stakeholders, Quadrilátero do Minho
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