Consumption of podcasts in Portugal: an application of the uses and gratifications theory

José de Freitas Santos


Purpose: The objective of the present study is to characterize the profile of the Portuguese consumer of podcasts, as well as examine the uses and gratifications that the consumer obtains when listen to the digital content.

Methodology: Based on an online survey a questionnaire was administered that was based on the theory of uses and gratifications. The conceptual model and the hypotheses were tested by estimating a structural equation model in a sample of 213 respondents.

Findings: The results confirmed the hypotheses related with the use of this technologic format for entertainment purposes with a content based on storytelling. Also, the research shows that socialization has little impact on the users of podcasts. Finally, the multitasking hypothesis was rejected suggesting that when hearing a podcast the user takes the occasion more for relaxation than for developing other tasks simultaneously.

Originality: Podcasts are a new digital technology understudied in Portugal. The same occurs regarding the application of the theory of uses and gratifications to this digital format.

Keywords: Podcasts, Uses and Gratifications Theory, Structural Equation Model.

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