How Digital Media can help fight food waste
Purpose: This study intends to understand how digital media can help raise consumer awareness of the importance of combating food waste. For this, two issues were investigated: if individuals are aware of this problem food; and if are willing to learn about digital tools that promote combat this type of waste.
Methodology: To assess the willingness of individuals to join digital media to combat food waste, an online questionnaire was administered to 211 individuals. The data collected were analysed thought of multivariate statistical techniques.
Findings: Most consumers proved to be aware of what food waste consists of using various strategies to reduce it. However, a consumer segment with little knowledge about this topic emerged. This segment said they didn't know any brands or applications to combat food waste, but when confronted with their names, they said they knew or at least had heard of them, and subsequently demonstrated the desire to deepen or acquire their services.
Originality: Understanding how digital media contribute to consumer awareness of the importance of combating food waste can help marketers design marketing strategies on this topic. Furthermore, the present research contributes to current literature on fighting food waste.
Keywords: Food waste, digital channels, marketing, food, strategy.
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