Análisis al modelo de negocio verde en Colombia; una mirada en tiempos de Pandemia

Franz Esteban Rodriguez Franky


Purpose: Describe the business impact of the green business model, within the structure of the SME in times of pandemic.

Methodology: The methodological process used for the study focuses on a mixed investigation, through an exploratory, descriptive approach, in which a series of data collected by means of a survey-type instrument is analyzed, which allows evaluating the development of the model of business during the sanitary measures generated by COVID 19.

Findings: The study carried out by Rodríguez and Arias (2021), in which, using the measurement instrument, it was possible to evaluate the organizational activities distributed in different functional areas. Allowing to assess the degree of social, environmental, and economic impact that these companies have within the market of the Colombian capital within the times lived during the pandemic.

Originality: Part of an analysis of ecological businesses, their implementation and dynamics in the market of the Colombian capital. It presents an evaluative study of the data obtained from the business model and its strategies during sanitary measures.

Keywords: Green business, ecological entrepreneurship, inclusive sustainability, green bonds, green credits.

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