Estratégia de comunicação para uma loja colaborativa de marcas de moda sustentável

Patrícia Ferreira, Ana Cristina Broega, Bruno Barbosa Sousa


Purpose: The present study aims to know, analyze, and create the brand identity of a collaborative store of small sustainable fashion brands. At the same time, it is also intended to create a strategic communication plan applied to this store.

Methodology: In a first phase, apply a qualitative approach, initially with the exploration of case studies. Then, design methodologies are used for the practical part of brand creation, namely the Design Thinking Evolution 6 methodology.

Findings: The results show that there is still little transparency in the approach to topics such as fashion and sustainability, although there is already a considerable offer.

Practical implications: The emergence of sustainable fashion brands is ascendant, in this way it is important to build a cohesive identity and a structured communication plan as differentiating elements of brands in the market.

Research limitations: As it is a preliminary approach, the present study has limitations in the final results, thus requiring a deeper understanding of it, as there are many communication topics that remain to be explored.

Originality: It is intended that the concept behind this study is a good contribution to small fashion brands, of a sustainable nature, helping them both in creating their own brand identity and in structuring a strategic communication plan.

Keywords: Sustainability, fashion, design, communication, transparency in fashion.

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