Pay Gap between Men and Women: Reality or Fiction? Analysis of the “Gender Pay Gap – Elimination” project

Laura de Castro Lucas, Pedro Miguel Alves Ribeiro Correia, Fabrício Castagna Lunardi


Purpose: The analysis of the project “Gender Pay Gap – Elimination” aimed to determine whether it is possible to confirm that the identified pay gap is the reality in Portugal. Therefore, we tried to compare the results obtained in the project with the factors influencing the pay gap identified by Blau & Kahn (2017).

Methodology: The methodology used for the preparation of this article focused on the literature review, the collection of statistical secondary data, and the confrontation with the article by Blau & Kahn (2017).

Findings: It was found that the choice of the project to calculate the wage gap between men and women does not allow for a complete picture of this issue, and that the value of the gap should be calculated amongst professionals in the same area who are in similar situations.

Research limitations: Regarding the limitations of this article, it fails to apply the formula identified as the most correct to calculate the gender pay gap in equivalent professional situations – which would allow the real value of the pay gap to be understood.

Originality: This article stands out in its originality for identifying possible gaps in the project and for proposing a more complete option for calculating the gender pay gap in Portugal.

Keywords: Gender pay gap; “Gender Pay Gap – Elimination”; gender issues; Portugal

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