Reverse stock splits effects on the liquidity of European stocks
Purpose: It is common that firms listed at undesirably low prices perform reverse stock splits to increase prices while decreasing the number of shares outstanding. In addition to these impacts, it is important to understand whether this operation has any side effects on the liquidity, as this is a fundamental element for the proper functioning of the financial markets. Therefore, our main goal is to analyze the effect that reverse stock splits have on the liquidity of European stocks.
Methodology: To analyze the effect on the liquidity of the 30 firms, members of the STOXX Europe 600 index, which performed the 35 reverse stock splits identified between January 1, 2015, and December 31, 2019, we use the event study methodology and parametric and non-parametric tests. The analysis is done with a short-term (1 month) and a medium-term (6 months) event windows and to measure liquidity we use the turnover ratio and Liu’s (2006) LMx measure.
Findings: In the short-term analysis, reverse stock splits contribute to increasing firms’ stock liquidity. In the medium-term analysis, it is not possible to draw a clear conclusion on the effects of reverse stock split on stock liquidity.
Practical implications: The results have important implications for investors wishing to acquire shares in firms on the verge of executing this operation, as it clarifies the behavior of liquidity after the reverse stock split, which may influence their investment decision. They also contribute to helping the boards of directors of listed firms in the decision-making process.
Originality/value: This work contributes to the financial literature on the relationship between reverse stock splits and liquidity, and to a better knowledge of European markets.
Keywords: reverse stock splits, liquidity, Europe.
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