Use Case to measure Air Quality using NB IoT

Martha Elisa Cuasquer Mora, Gonzalo Medina Ordoñez


Purpose: Currently it is possible to see different applications that are oriented towards the measurement of air quality and that have been implemented around the issue of performing a diagnosis of Air quality in order to develop IoT meteorological prototypes that allow the generation of the environmental welfare of the community.

Methodology: For the particular case of this paper, the implementation in the Medellín and Cundinamarcaregion has been chosen in particular because they are urban centers where high air pollution can be observed and where it is necessary to carry out an intervention to protect the environment and the community. In general, and also with the solution to this case study, it seeks to belong to IoT networks that are dedicated to this task of protecting air quality worldwide, such as IQAir.

Findings: The results obtained with the realization of this paper are reflected in the understanding of the operation of IoT and especially to understand that the coverage for Colombia is limited and when traveling to carry out the exploration in Medellín and investigate it was found that only sophisticated networks such as the network German Air Quality IQAir had this type of access and also that it was necessary not only to be a scientist to access this type of technology but also an entrepreneur because it is a remote telecommunications service of a dedicated and expensive type, which is why it can be used for Obtaining different ventures in Automation and Telecommunications.

Originality: This paper has been unpublished because it is the result of a research process that takes around three years and where all of its content has not been published in any physical or digital written medium.

Keywords: Air, Broadband, Band, Quality, Electronics, IoT, Networks, 4G/5G, IQAir.

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