From the increase in tourism to the fall in tourism demand: The importance of marketing and the effects of a pandemic
Objectives: This manuscript aims to understand some of the main trends in tourism segmentation in a (post) pandemic context and the role played by marketing.
Methodology: A predominantly quantitative methodology was applied, through the elaboration and implementation of an online questionnaire survey, with tourist consumers, focusing on the behavior of tourist and hotel consumers during their trips in 2020.
Originality: The aim of this study is to understand the real effects of the covid-19 pandemic on consumer behavior, especially at the tourism level, contrasting with a period free of restrictions, with excessive tourism.
Results: From an interdisciplinary perspective, this study presents inputs for marketing, tourism and management in the (post) pandemic context. From an interdisciplinary perspective, the present study presents inputs for marketing, tourism and management in the (post) pandemic context. It is relevant to study the role of global changes in consumer behavior, since they are the ones that govern the behavior of companies and the measures taken by them.
Practical implications: Reflections are presented around the problem of excess tourism and the stagnation of markets (due to the pandemic context of the new coronavirus). In the case study, an overview of the impact of this pandemic on the habits and decisions made by consumers is presented, especially in terms of travel and leisure.
Research limitations: The main limitation of this study is its embryonic stage. The initial contribution of this research should pave the way for future studies of a qualitative and/or quantitative nature.
Keywords: segmentation, pandemic, trends, tourist demand
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