Análise da adequabilidade do destino terras de Trás-os-Montes face ao nicho de mercado nómadas digitais
Purpose: The present investigation aims to assess whether the offer of the tourist destination Terras de Trás-os-Montes has a strong and unique positioning (offering different experiences with a focus on what makes the destination unique and difficult to imitate) and an offer of excellent quality with competitive advantages. suited to the characteristics of digital nomads.
Methodology: Taking into account the general objective and the specific objectives of this article, the methodological plan was established. In a first part, a literature review was carried out, taking into account the themes of the study, essentially addressing the changes in work relationships, digital nomadism and the profile of the nomad. The literature review was carried out using articles found in electronic databases, such as Scopus, Science Direct, B-on, sharing platforms, such as the Research Gate website, open
access portals, such as Open Access Scientific Repository (RCAAP) and search engines such as Google Scholar. Secondary data were collected in the databases of Fundação Francisco Manuel dos Santos, PORDADA, in the National Tourism Registry (RNT), in the National Institute of Statistics (INE), as well as in the intermunicipal community of Terras de Trás-os-Montes (CIM-TTM).
Findings: According to the research, it was concluded that although the Terras de Trás-os-Montes have resources and tourist potential ability to meet the needs of the digital nomad, such resources are still in an embryonic stage of development, making it necessary that the touristic actors design an action plan that allows to adding value in the developed offer to meet this new audience.
Limitations: No significant studies were identified regarding the suitability of adestination vis-à-vis the emerging niche of digital nomads, which provides a novel character in this research.
Originality/Value: The main limitation of the article is its exploratory nature, beingbased only on a superficial analysis with the absence of an empirical work supported by data collection from primary sources.
Keywords: Touristic Destination, Digital Nomad, Terras de Trás-os-Montes, Tourism.
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