How a tip affects workers' motivation – The relationship between Slovenia and Montenegro in tourism and hospitality
Purpose: The main goal of the research was to examine the impact of tips on employee satisfaction and motivation.
Methodology: Empirical part of presented study was to examine the corelation between employee motivation for work and the amount of tips they receive. For data processing, ANOVA and t-test were used, as well as the determination of the mean value and Eta Square.
Findings: The results of the research indicate that the general satisfaction with the working environment in Slovenia is much better than in Montenegro, but employees who are in Montenegro receive tips much more often. The results of the research also indicate that with the increase in employee satisfaction, the possibility of receiving a tip increase.
Research limitations: A relatively small sample of respondents does not allow the generalization of research results. Further studies should examine and compare countries in the immediate vicinity of Slovenia and Montenegro and identify differences in the behavior of restaurant owners and employees.
Practical implications: The practical implications are reflected in the possibilities of using the obtained results in hotel practice for business strategy development and various models of rewards.
Originality: The income of employees directly depends on the amount of tips received but, there is still no quality systematic source for providing reliable information to managers and owners of catering facilities regarding tips.
Keywords: Tips, Satisfaction, Worker's motivation, Slovenia, Montenegro, Tourism Services.
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