Sars_CoV_2 pandemic, tourism marketing and trends in digital
Purpose: The purpose of this exploratory study is to provide insight into the implications of Sars-CoV-2 pandemic on tourism and how the use of digital marketing can contribute to overcoming the difficulties imposed by the pandemic, being the intention to establish future directions for digital marketing and tourism development in this context.
Methodology: In a first stage a documental analysis is presented with the purpose of clarifying some of the constructs related to the objective of the study. Then the interviews conducted with tourism and digital marketing professionals are presented, being present a methodology of qualitative nature, which was subsequently carried out a flexible and non-systematized analysis, interview by interview.
Findings: Based on the literature review and those attributed, it can be concluded that the difficulties caused by the Sars-CoV-2 pandemic are of different nature and digital marketing is seen as a tool that allows contact with geographically distant tourists and maintain / arousing interest as a potential tourist destination. In this sense, digital solutions will make it possible to promote destinations, communicate skills and publicize an offer to potential visitors (generating the desire to experiment).
Research limitations: From a theoretical perspective, the study contributes to the development of knowledge in niche tourism matters and digital trends in the tourism sector. Practical implications: From an interdisciplinary perspective, the study contributes to the joint development of the areas of digital marketing (e.g., to understand consumer behavior and needs) and tourism (e.g., more needs-oriented tourism offer). It also allows establishing future directions for these action areas.
Originality: The present study relates variables of digital marketing and tourism in the context of Sars-CoV-2 pandemic. Besides its topicality, this study presents a path that can contribute to the recovery of this sector in post-pandemic period.
Keywords: Consumer, Digital marketing, Tourism, Sars-CoV-2 pandemic
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