Determinants of the occurrence of OI from the managers’ perceptions of large companies in the Brazilian auto parts industry
Purpose: Despite the importance of organizational Innovation in leveraging the knowledge base of companies and reinforcing their competence and effectiveness, research in this area is still rare. Thus, the purpose of this article is to understand what the determining factors for the occurrence of organizational innovation in large companies in the Brazilian auto parts industry are.
Methodology: This is exploratory research with a qualitative approach, used as the method for the multicase study. The research uses multiple sources of information: documents, direct observations, artifacts, and semi-structured interviews.
Findings: As a result, it was found that the adoption of organizational innovation practices happens due to the isomorphism in the automotive industries, but the organizational culture focused on innovation is essential to organizational innovation happen. Characteristics like financial resources, organizational architecture, managerial tools are fundamental. As factors that limit organizational innovation were problems fundamentally related to human resources such as the dismissal of employees, lack of discipline, motivation, overload, preconceived concepts, difficulties to accept changes and dissatisfaction.
Originality/Value: It was established that the organizational innovation methods are linked to changes in; the structure of the organization, flow of information, organization of work, management procedures, administrative system, rules or routines of conducting organizational activities, strategy of the organization, new ways of relating to other partners or consumers, a new method for integration with suppliers and outsourcers or to a new way of performing routine tasks within the organization.
Keywords: Innovation, Organizational Innovation, Organizational Culture, Automotive Industry.
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