Aprendizagem empreendedora ativa: o despoletar do envolvimento do estudante
Objective: This article aims to present and describe some active learning strategies implemented by the authors, teachers at the Polytechnic Institute of Cávado and Ave (IPCA), in Portugal. The reason is that some of the characteristics of the 21st century are complexity, unpredictability, and interdependence, requiring students to be prepared to effectively respond to the enormous challenges of professional situations.
Methodology: Theoretical contribution with a literature review and by sharing good practices identified in a Higher Education Institution.
Findings: Through active learning methodologies and identification of community problems and needs, students were challenged to find solutions and work closer to their context. By knowing the reality, students were better able to identify other problems as well as develop and improve behavioural and social entrepreneurship skills.
Research limitations: Bibliographical research in peer-reviewed articles that address similar experiences in other Higher Education Institutions.
Practical implications: From an interdisciplinary perspective, this study presents inputs to the area of entrepreneurship and innovation, as well as contributions to the understanding of the IPCA’s actions for greater proximity with the local community.
Originality/Value: The present study aims to contribute to the understanding of the power that active learning methodologies must provide students the development of their critical thinking about content, through a series of activities with a focus on social entrepreneurship.
Palavras-chave: Active learning, Critical thinking, Competencies development, Co-creation.
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Copyright (c) 2021 European Journal of Applied Business and Management
European Journal of Applied Business and Management
ISSN: 2183-5594
DOI: https://doi.org/10.58869/EJABM