Mapeando a escolha do estudante de marketing e comunicação no ensino superior: Um estudo em Portugal
Purpose: The objective of this study is to explore the process of choosing HEI from the perspective of students in a master's program offered by an institution that is part of the polytechnic higher education system in Portugal.
Methodology: Based on a qualitative method, data were collected from combined focus groups guided by the 5As Model proposed by Kotler et al. (2017), for the variables identified in the literature, and information from the content analysis.
Findings: The results indicate the predominance of the students' own influences and also of other reference groups during the choice process. Students evaluate the opinion of their reference groups, the inherent characteristics of the training offer and the support offered, as well as its recognized reputation.
Limitations: The limitations are due to the sample size, which implies difficulties when generalizing the results at scale. It is necessary to consider the restriction imposed by the fact that there are few students enrolled in the master's program object of this study.
Implications: In practical terms, HEIs should base their recruitment actions and marketing and communication strategies on the students' consumer profile, in order to optimize the number of students enrolled in master's degrees.
Originality/Value: This study aims to advance and understand student behavior in higher education by applying a conceptual model. No studies were found with this approach in the Portuguese context.
Keywords: Marketing, Communication, Choice Process, Behavior, Student, Higher Education.
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