An endless bookcase: Variables associated with impulse buying of books

Mariana Pereira Martins, Samuel Lins



Purpose: Impulse buying is a topic still scarcely studied in the scientific community. However, it proves to be very pertinent since it is a very complex, broad behavior and influenced by several variables. This study aimed to find associated variables with impulse buying of books.

Methodology: 347 Portuguese participated in the study, aged between 18 and 73 years old (M = 37; SD = 16). Most of the sample was composed by women (n = 285; 82.1%). The participants had a high educational level, with 78.8% of the sample having a bachelor's degree or a higher level of education. The sample was collected through online questionnaires from July to December 2019.

Findings: The impulse buying tendency, impulse buying tendency of books, susceptibility to interpersonal influence, need for cognition, materialism, and extended self were analyzed in this research. The results revealed that the tendency to buy impulsively and the extended self are associated with impulse buying of books, this model explaining 27% of the variance.

Practical implications: This study contributes to a better understanding of the impulse buying of specific objects and provides a foundation for investigating the Portuguese book-buying behavior.

Originality: The results offer advantages for marketing professionals and consumer psychology and can be used to captivate consumer interest and to promote conscientious and ethical marketing.

Keywords: Impulse buying tendency, Books, Interpersonal influence, Need for cognition, Materialism, Extended self.

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