Does post-event depression affect work performance? Empirical evidence from the Eurovision Song Contest
Purpose: This study aims to determine the effect of post-event depression (PED) on employee work performance. Besides, it was intended to reveal the relationship between feeling PED and socio-demographic characteristics.
Methodology: An electronic questionnaire was implemented on 635 Eurovision Song Contest (ESC) fans, who are also members of work-life. The obtained data were evaluated by frequency analysis and cross table analysis.
Findings: According to the survey results, 79% of the participants felt depression after ESC. Approximately 33% of these employees stated that their work performance decreased. In addition to that, female participants, compared to males and Generation Z participants compared to other generations, felt PED more. On the other hand, it was found that increase at the level of interest in the ESC and frequency of watching the contest enhances the possibility of feeling PED.
Practical Implications: This study can be used in scientific works on PED, work performance and ESC.
Originality/ Value: In the relevant literature, no studies were found to address PED in terms of management and organizations. Also, the literature on PED was found to be quite limited. For all these reasons, this study will contribute to the development of the relevant literature.
Keywords: Post-event depression, work performance, Eurovision Song Contest
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