Supply Chain Management Practices and the Productivity of Low Automated Manufacturing Firms
Purpose – The studies on the relevance of supply chain management has been tested on several front, with majority tending towards positive impact. The essence of this study was to test the relevance of supply chain management practices on the productivity performance of fast moving consumable good manufacturing firms with low automation systems in developing countries.
Design/Methodology – The study employed a survey design, and a mixture of stratified and random sampling techniques was also implemented. The analysis was done using a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structural equation modelling (SEM).
Findings – The study found out that there is positive significant relationship between supplier relationship management and organisational productivity. The study equally found an insignificant relationship between customer relationship management and organisational productivity, and an insignificant relationship between material management and organisational productivity.
Implications – Emphasis must be placed on training employees on customer relationship management to exploit the benefits of such practice. Also, there must be intentional investment in production technology to improve productivity.
Originality – It presents a significant addition to research in supply chain as it investigates an industry (fast moving consumable goods) that has scarcely been covered by relevant literature, especially from a developing country with low automated systems standpoint.
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