Determinantes da lealdade e do passa-palavra no sector agrícola Determinants of loyalty and word-of-mouth in the agricultural sector
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to highlight the central role of satisfaction in the agricultural sector as a mediating variable between perceived value and reputation and two relational outcomes (loyalty e passa-palavra). Thus, it is a primary objective of the work to examine the main determinants of loyalty and word-of-mouth (WOM) in this sector.
Design/methodology/approach: This investigation proposes a theoretical model tested using structural equation modelling (SEM). A questionnaire was developed to investigate the influence of variables such as perceived value, reputation and satisfaction in loyalty and word-of-mouth. A total of 104 questionnaires were collected from a sample of clients from the Cooperativa Agrícola de Alcobaça.
Results: The results of the structural equation model show that the variables perceived value by customers and reputation of the Agricultural Cooperative of Alcobaça (Cooperativa Agrícola de Alcobaça) have a direct influence on customer satisfaction. In turn, customer satisfaction, while having a direct effect on customer loyalty, has no impact on word-of-mouth. Finally, loyal customers speak well and recommend the cooperative.
Originality/Value: This research seeks to be a pioneer in directing its attention to the agricultural sector. Thus, it examines the mediating role of the variable customer satisfaction in the relationship between the variables, perceived value by customers and cooperative reputation, and the variables loyalty and word-of-mouth in the agricultural sector.
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