Corporate Social Responsibility in Turkey: A Sectoral Analysis
Purpose: The aim of this study is to understand CSR in Turkey based on different sectors by analyzing the content and target group of the organization’s CSR activities and tries to find out if CSR activities of companies are self-homogeneous within sectors in a developing country context, Turkey.
Design/methodology/approach: Using a sample of 50 companies listed in İstanbul Stock Exchange (BIST) Corporate Governance Index, company statements have been examined by content analysis in order to discover contents and target groups of CSR activities. Hierarchical cluster analysis conducted in terms of CSR activities.
Findings: Results show that, CSR activities of organizations which are in the same sector are not similar to each other in terms of their content and target group. Based on these results, it is possible to say that sector specific factors do not seem to be decisive on CSR activities of organizations in Turkey. In every sector, CSR activities focus on the society and students as a target group. Paralleling to this, content of the CSR activities seems to be concentrate on environment, social aid and education.
Research limitations/implications: Future studies may also take into account the influence of organizational factors such as company strategy, mission, or structure in addition to industry over the content and target group of CSR activities.
Originality/value: This study contributes to the non-US CSR literature, by assessing the CSR practices of organizations among different sectors which have different regulative, normative, and cognitive characteristics in Turkish context.
Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Sectoral Analysis, Cluster Analysis.
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