Self-Leadership and Creativity Strategies in Leaders and Non-Leaders
Purpose: Considering creativity and leadership as a determinant factors in the competitiveness of organizations is intended with this study contribute to a better characterization of the relationship between these two concepts. In this way, this research studies the relationship between self-leadership and strategies for be creative in the workplace, also intends to identify differences between leaders and non-leaders.
Methodology: The instrument used for the operationalization of self-leadership was the Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire (Neck and Houghton, 2002) and to evaluate strategies to be creative in the workplace has been applied Create Strategies in Work Context Scale (Lima and Moraes, 2010). This study includes 175 participants, adult workers, male and female aged between 21 and 65 years old.
Findings: A positive correlation between self-leadership strategies and creativity was identified. The existence of significant mean differences between "strategies focused on behavior" (self-leadership dimension) and educational level was also identified. Combining the existence of high levels of self-leadership and investment in training, particularly in postgraduate training, creative results and innovation will be enhanced.
Originality: Despite extensive research on leadership and also the growing research on creativity in organizations the relationship between the two variables - leadership and creativity - lacks some empirical evidence. This study aims to add a contribution in clarifying the relationship between leadership and creativity to promote stimulation programs of creativity for leaders.
Implications: The implications of these results for the practice of organizations and the contribution to research on self-leadership and creativity are discussed.
Keywords: self-leadership, creativity, leaders and non-leaders, leadership
Título: "Self-Leadership and Creativity Strategies in Leaders and Non-Leaders"
Purpose: Considering creativity and leadership as determining factors in the competitiveness of organizations, this study intends to contribute to a better characterization of the relationship between these two concepts. In this way, the present investigation studies the relationship between self-leadership and the strategies to be creative in the workplace, also aiming to identify differences between leaders and non-leaders.
Methodology: The instrument used for the operationalization of self-leadership was the Revised Self-Leadership Questionnaire (Neck and Houghton, 2006) and the Strategies to Create at Work scale (Moraes and Lima, 2010). 175 working adults of both sexes between 21 and 65 years old participated in this study.
Results: A positive correlation was identified between self-leadership strategies and creativity, as well as significant differences in means between strategies focused on behavior (self-leadership dimension) and literacy skills. The combination of high levels of self-leadership and investment in training, namely postgraduate training, tends to enhance creative results.
Originality: Despite the extensive research on leadership and also the growing research on creativity in organizations, the relationship between the two variables - leadership and creativity - lacks some empirical evidence. This study is also intended to add a contribution to clarifying the relationship between leadership and creativity with a view to promoting creativity stimulation programs for leaders.
Implications: The implications of these results for the practice of organizations are discussed, as well as the contribution to research on self-leadership and creativity.
Keywords: self-leadership, creativity, leadership, leaders and non-leaders.
Full Text:
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